Virtual Seminar: Understanding & Exploring Workers' Compensation Experience Rating

Thur, Mar. 11, 9-10m
Members: Free
Non-Members: $20

Link will be sent via calendar invite.

Despite the workers’ compensation insurance market remaining competitive and overall claims frequency falling during the first six months of the pandemic- workers compensation remains one area of your insurance program that employers can control. A strong safety program and consistent monitoring of the policy can make a positive impact.

  • Managing payroll and properly classifying employees
  • Developing a safety program
  • Monitoring for potentially fraudulent claims

This presentation will cover:

  • The Purpose of Workers Compensation Experience Rating
  • The Impact that Frequency & Severity Claims have on Experience Rating
  • Understanding the Experience Rating Split Point
    • Separating Frequency Loss Dollars from Severity Loss Dollars
  • Exploring & Analyzing an Experience Rating Worksheet

Presented by:

Kirk Welch

Lovitt & Touche/ Marsh & McLennan

Jennifer Chenault

Lovitt & Touche/ Marsh & McLennan

Elaine Rae

Selective Insurance